My native language is Afrikaans. One of the youngest and most modern languages in the world! On May 8, 2025, Afrikaans will celebrate its 100th year of being an officially recognised language in South Africa. But its history dates back to 1671 when the Dutch recorded that the language spoken in their Cape Colony no longer resembled the language they spoke at home.

When I started this blog, I translated many of my articles into English. But some are bound to the idiom used in Afrikaans, and without this idiomatic context, the reader cannot understand what I mean. For instance, I cannot translate "En ekke vir jou" into English. The direct translation would be: "And I for you", which makes no sense. (The protagonist actually meant: "And I love you too!")

Dutch readers, however, should be able to follow most of the text. If you did, share it with your friends on Facebook or contact me. It is always lovely to get some feedback.

Eendracht maakt mij lacht!

© J. Francois Barnard – Mei 2014

Doerie jare, toe Vanmelewe nog Onlangs was, toe die Dooie See nog net siek was, en die Apostolies nog 'n sekte was....

Was jou party SAP of NAT;

Jou kerk Gatjeponder of Dopper;

Jou oupa 'n landheer of 'n bywoner;

Jou huis in die bo-dorp of die onderdorp;

Jou mouterkar 'n Ford of 'n Chev;

Jou petrol BP of Shell;

Jou olie Castrol of Havoline;

Jou bike BSA of Harley;

Jou polis by Sanlam of Old Mutual;

Jou bankrekening by Volkskas of Barclays;

Jou huisverband by Saambou of United;

Jou vakansie in die Bosveld of by die see;

Jou rugbyspan Noord-Transvaal of WP;

Jou radio Springbok of LM;

Jou supermark OK of Checkers;

Jou bier Castle of Lion;

Jou brandewyn KWV of Klipdrift;

Jou mix Coke of Pepsi;

Jou tjoklit Cadbury of Nestle;

Jou swiets drop of toffies;

Jou toebie Marmite of Bovril;

Jou tjips Simba of Willard;

Jou brêkfis Pro-Nutro of Weetbix;

Jou seep Surf of Omo;

Jou musiek jazz of pop;

Jou simpatie by die Republieke of die Kolonie;

Jou skool Grey College of Affies;

Jou ambag by die Spoorweg of Yskor;

Jou alma mater Tuks of Maties;

Jou medisyne Borstol of Kasterolie;

Jou siekte gout of rumatiek;

En helaas, ten einde was jy in die hande van Grobbelaars of Avbob...

Maar ironies is alle Afrikaners dit eens: Ons leuse bly “Eendracht maakt Macht”!